Non finito ?
The Swiss Biennial of Territory to be held on 6, 7 and 8 October 2022, organized by the International Institute of Architecture in Lugano, is launching a call for Action on the theme of (non) finito. The call is open to everyone, students and professionals of all ages and from all over the world.
Exactly fifty years ago, in 1972, the Meadows Report spoke of the finitude of resources and the limits to growth. Despite some attempts to theorize an “end of history” (which never happened), we can only helplessly verify that our pace continues to accelerate and our dependence on raw materials and energy is increasing, plunging us into a succession of (climatic, health, political and humanitarian) crisis. In this context, we can no longer expect to create and preserve immutable, perfect, “finite” objects and landscapes. The finitude of resources implies the non-finitude of processes: time is now the raw material of the project. How can we establish an open culture of the built environment that is continuous, collective and capable of constantly adapting forms and functions?
Proposals can be of any kind, ranging from installations to various types of performances and artworks, as long as they are related to the theme of the Biennial. A fundamental factor is to provoke a process, finished or not finished: An action that evokes, questions or interacts with the principle of continuation, achievement and finiteness of the built landscape. The actions proposed must be ephemeral. Proposals must be set up in the beautiful park of Villa Saroli in Lugano, including the lemon house (ca. 5 x 20m) or extend beyond, provided it does not conflict with the regulations of the City. A delegate from the City will oversee this aspect.
Submissions for Call for action: by 30.06.22
Submissions for Call for Pecha Kucha: by 19.08.2022
The forms for the Call for action and the Call for can be downloaded via the attached files.