The School of Life Sciences celebrates at EPFL's Magistrale 2020

Credit: Alain Herzog (EPFL)

Credit: Alain Herzog (EPFL)

EPFL’s School of Life Sciences celebrates 103 graduates at EPFL’s 2020 Magistrale, the polytechnic’s annual graduation ceremony.

Among the excited 2020 graduates of EPFL, 103 were students of the School of Life Sciences. The event’s “Parrain” (patron) was alumnus Marc Spaltenstein (2015 graduate), who is now the CEO of his own start-up, Sterilux.

The 2020 SV graduates include: 

  • 47 women and 56 men
  • 34 students received a mention of excellence for an average grade of 5.5 or above
  • 4 fellowships from the Bertarelli Foundation
  • 3 master's degrees (Life Sciences and Technology Engineering, Bioengineering, and Life Sciences Engineering)

2020 was an excellent year, with many outstanding students, and awards: The Prize for the Best Average in the Master courses was awarded equally to Eliane Röösli and Lucile Vigué, and the Prize for the second best average to Sacha Haidinger.

Eliane Röösli also won the Annaheim-Mattile Prize of the Marguerite Foundation, which rewards the student who has presented a high-level Master's project dedicated to the rapprochement of life and computer science.

The Section’s prize for for excellence in teaching went to Dr Jamila Sam, a scientist with the artificial intelligence laboratory.

Breaking with tradition, the 2020 EPFL Magistrale took place without an attending public audience, a distinguished external speaker, or a Doctor Honoris Causa. Nonetheless, it was held in person and with all the dignity – and festivity – warranted by such an event. A total of 1,072 Master’s students received their degrees during this unprecedented ceremony held over two days, 2–3 October, in the time of COVID-19.