Prof Laloui interviewed about CO2 sequestration in TRACÉS

© Illustration du dossier: Célestine Claudin, Strates, 2020
Prof. Lyesse Laloui, director of the Soil Mechanics Laboratory (LMS) at EPFL, talks about CO2 sequestration during his interview in the December issue of TRACÉS magazine.
The global climate is warming under the influence of fossil carbon emissions that human activity injects into the atmosphere. With the 2030 Climate Target Plan, the objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% before 2030 (compared to 1990). These changes are also to be applied in Switzerland - during the parliamentary session of September 2020, the new law on CO2 was definitively adopted.
The amounts of CO2 are flooding the atmosphere at a rate far too fast what rattles its natural balance. Would it be possible to partially restore the carbon cycle disrupted by human activity? For Prof. Lyesse Laloui the answer is undoubtedly yes. It would be possible by capturing the CO2 at the levels of its main sources of emission and reinjecting it safely underground, just where it came from. The technology for capturing and sequestering CO2, holds a great potential to ensure the transition from nuclear to renewable energy without further damage to the climate.
The whole interview about CCS technology (CO2 Capture and Storage) can be found here.