MATH Welcomes Three New Professors

© 2020 EPFL

© 2020 EPFL

The Institute of Mathematics (MATH) welcomes three new Tenure-Track Assistant Professors, Drs Nicolas Boumal, Marius Lemm, and Mats J. Stensrud.

The three professors were formally appointed in December 2019 and May 2020 by the Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology, and will start this Fall Semester.

Professor Nicolas Boumal will be the head of the Chair of Continuous Optimization (OPTIM).

His group will study the theory and applications of optimization in continuous variables, with a focus on geometry and non-convexity. Applications of interest connect with statistics, computational science, machine learning and robotics.

Professor Marius Lemm will be the head of the Chair of Analysis and Mathematical Physics (CAMP).

The chair CAMP will be connected to the research areas Analysis and Probability and Stochastics. His group will apply analytical methods to problems arising in quantum physics, further strengthening the links between mathematics and physics.

Professor Mats J. Stensrud will be the head of the Chair of Biostatistics (BIOSTAT).

His research will strengthen statistics at EPFL while building links with the School of Life Sciences and with Biomedical establishments. His group will develop new statistical methods to analyze complex, longitudinal data. Much of his research focuses on how to define, interpret and identify causal effects.