[Reminder] IGM Colloquium: Prof. S. Schmid, TU Wien


                                                  ### Next IGM Colloquium ###

Tuesday 27 March 2018 noon MED 0 1418 (tomorrow).

IGM Colloquium: Single-molecule imaging and photodetection with nanomechanical resonators at room temperature, by Prof. S. Schmid, Micro and Nanosensors group, TU Wien.

The IGM colloquium features invited speakers giving introductory talks on varied current research topics in Mechanical Engineering and related disciplines.

  • Where? - MED 0 1418 (Auditorium)
  • When? - Tuesdays noon
  • Who? - Students, researchers, faculty and everyone else interested in learning about different aspects of Mechanical Engineering

Please join us tomorrow at noon!

Author: IGM Colloquium