Yimon Aye wins 2020 Eli Lilly Award
Professor Yimon Aye, at EPFL’s Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, has won the 2020 Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry.
Established in 1934, the Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry is given annually by the American Chemical Society’s Division of Biological Chemistry to “stimulate fundamental research in biological chemistry by scientists not over thirty-eight years of age”. The Award itself consists of a bronze medal and an honorarium.
The 2020 Award has been given to Professor Yimon Aye, who directs EPFL’s Laboratory of electrophiles and genome operation, and is a member of the Swiss National Science Foundation’s NCCR Steering Committee.
In an announcement, NCCR Chemical Biology referred to the ACS award letter which stated that Aye’s “selection by a committee of peers speaks highly of her tremendous accomplishments as a scientist as well as her independence of thought and originality.” The Award will be presented to Aye in the 2020 Eli Lilly Award Symposium, during the ACS 2020 Fall meeting in San Francisco.