Yikai Yang joins Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism (LQM)

© 2019 EPFL

© 2019 EPFL

Yikai Yang joins Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism (LQM)

Yikai was born to a city in northwestern China called Lanzhou, where he grew up and completed his undergraduate studies in theoretical physics at Lanzhou University.

Upon graduation, Yikai moved to Canada to continue his quest in physics at University of Alberta, where he gained experiences in experimental physics at low temperatures with research centered around various types of unconventional superconductors; his eventual master thesis focused on granular superconductors, whose superconducting transition temperatures, as well as critical fields, were greatly enhanced from those of the parental materials[1].


[1] Y. Shapira and G. Deutscher. Phys. Rev. B, 27 (7), 1983.