Yann Benoit (DR'04)

Yann Benoit is Technology Director at CBS-CBT, a company specialized in structural timber design and development of non-destructive technologies used for evaluating timber quality – from the forest to constructed buildings. Originally from France, Yann arrived in 1998 to take part in a scientific cooperation. During his doctoral studies, he worked on the development of a device capable of measuring the solidity of timber poles as well as on statistical models for analyzing their expected lifetime. This device is used in particular by telecommunication and energy companies to assess the reliability of their installed poles and thus optimize their safety and maintenance.
Yann Benoit has now become Managing Direct of the "Timber Expertise" section of the CBS-CBT company located in St-Sulpice (canton of Vaud), in which he began his career after obtaining his PhD at EPFL in 2004