Where Are They Now?

EPFL alumnus. 2019 EPFL/Marc Stoecklin- CC-BY-SA 4.0
As different Schools across EPFL celebrate their 20th anniversary in 2022, the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC) and the School of Life Sciences (SV) have launched a new video series showcasing global alumni achievements.
From New York to Atlanta and Zurich to Morges, EPFL’s thousands of Bachelor, Master, and PhD students over the years have gone on to make significant contributions in both academia and the private sector.
In computer and communication sciences, a field that has driven this century’s technology revolution and changed the way we live, follow the journey of graduates who have chosen to stay in academia at some of the best universities in the world, and discover what EPFL alumni are doing at Google X – The Moonshot Factory and IBM, among others.
EPFL’s School of Life Sciences aims to cultivate a new generation of life scientists with strong expertise in quantitative and analytical biology. Find out how some past students have evolved their careers through academic and industrial settings, using the skills they acquired at EPFL to materialize ideas and designs into tangible applications.
“The success of our alumni globally reflects that from the next revolution in quantum computing, to new paradigms in security, or fascinating problems at the interface with Life Sciences, our School is at the forefront of leading research that will change our world. We are proud of the impact and influence that so many of our students go on to have,” says Professor Rüdiger Urbanke, the Dean of the School of Computer and Communication Sciences.
“Our alumni go on to pursue diverse careers in both academia and industry, bringing their skills and knowledge to bear upon real-life problems and cutting-edge research. As we find ourselves on the cusp of the next chapter of life sciences globally, where computation, engineering and the physical sciences stimulate and drive both our understanding and applications in biology, we could not be more proud of them, their contributions to the grand endeavors of life science, and the impact they have on the world,” says Professor Andy Oates, the Dean of the School of Life Sciences.
To kick off this series, meet Alexandros Daglis, an IC alumnus and now Assistant Professor at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, where his research focuses on making huge data centers more efficient.
Also get to know former SV student Patrizia Spoerri, who is now the Operational Excellence Manager at DSM.
Visit EPFL’s YouTube channel each week and be inspired by the careers and achievements of former EPFL computer science and life science students. Coming up: Assia Gabinato, Digital Director at Romande Energie, a major Swiss energy company; Nada Amin, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Harvard University; Carine Delattre, Director of Value Access & Pricing at Incyte, a global biopharmaceutical company, and Olivier Burri, Image Analyst with EPFL’s BioImaging and Optics Core Facility.