What will sustainable neighborhoods look like in the future?
Professor Emmanuel Rey of the Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies (LAST) was recently one of the guest speakers of the TV program Eurêka on Canal Alpha. On this occasion, he presented the main challenges inherent to sustainable neighborhoods in the future.
The television program Eureka is specifically dedicated to issues related to energy and sustainable development. Broadcast last June 26 on Canal Alpha, the latest edition was devoted to sustainability issues at the neighborhood scale.
Much of the show was filmed in the Ecoparc neighborhood in Neuchâtel. Resulting from the regeneration of an urban brownfield located close to train station, this project involved the creation of a new neighborhood at once dense, mixed (housing, work, education, local shops) and interconnected. In a pioneering manner, a significant number of sustainability criteria have been incorporated into the dynamics of the urban and architectural project.
On this occasion, Prof. Emmanuel Rey presented some issues specific to sustainable neighborhoods in the future. In this context, he particularly detailed some developments expected in this field. These include the energy transition, sustainable mobility, social innovation or the circular economy.