Welcome to Shad Durussel, new PhD student at LSMS

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After obtaining his Master's degree in Computational Science and Engineering at EPFL in 2021, he started his PhD at LSMS on 1st June 2022. He is enrolled in the EDCE Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
A few questions to Shad:
What is your field of research ?
My field of research is the numerical simulation of fracture and crack propagation. I will focus on dynamic rupture along a planar interface and, by the mean of coupling spectral and finite element methods along with phase-field modeling of fracture, study how cracks propagate out of plan from this interface. I also also have an interest in stochastic approaches which, in the case of fracture simulation, could improve our understanding of the multiplicity of solutions to fracture problem by expressing it in probabilistic terms.
Why did you choose this field and what are you particularly enthusiastic about it ?
The application of fracture mechanics covers a large range of domains such as geomechanics, structural engineering, industrial manufacturing, etc. The need for numerical methods allowing to predict crack propagation in solids is always present. The multitude of possible application of the numerical methods developed in the lab and their use in a better understanding of physical behavior of materials greatly motivates me.
Outside the lab, what do you enjoy doing most ?
I enjoy climbing, hiking and mountain sports in general. At home I also like drawing, playing video games and cooking; and I am always curious to discover new recipes from all around the world!