Welcome to Roxane Ferry, new PhD student at LSMS

© 2022 EPFL
After obtaining her Master's degree in Geophysics at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, she started her PhD at LSMS on 1st October 2022. She is enrolled in the EDME Doctoral Program in Mechanics.
Some questions to Roxane :
What is your field of research ?
I study rupture dynamics to better understand earthquakes mechanisms and properties. To do so I use numerical simulations. The goal is to apply the knowledge and tools developped at LSMS in fracture mechanics and crack propagation to geophysical problems by upscaling. Thanks to the proximity of Marie Violay's Laboratory of Experimental Rock Mechanics, we will also be able to give new insight on experimental results through numerical simulations.
Why did you choose this field and what are you particularly enthusiastic about it ?
Earthquakes are one of the deadliest natural hazards and we are yet unable to predict them. Therefore, understanding earthquake physics is critical to assess and mitigate seismic risk. Numerical simulations are powerful tools that allow to explore what we cannot measure geodetically and will hopefully shed some light on earthquakes physics.
Outside the lab, what do you enjoy doing most ?
I enjoy mountain and outdoor activities, especially climbing, hiking and sailing. When I am not outside I like playing board games with friends, enjoy a beer or cook.