WEB: your memento on a web page, new option

Strainer and powdered sugar © belchonock @ istock

Strainer and powdered sugar © belchonock @ istock

memento.epfl.ch is the online application dedicated to the promotion of events at EPFL. It allows anyone at EPFL to submit their announcement or to subscribe to email summaries. Laboratories and services can manage their own memento channel, with their dedicated announcements, and then display them automatically on their Wordpress website. A new feature offers the possibility to filter the announcements displayed on the page.

Managing your own memento for your laboratory has many advantages:

  • Your announcements can be traced back to the EPFL memento, or remain local.
  • Advertisers can submit their events to you, and you can validate them... or not!
  • You can retrieve any other announcements.
  • Followers can be informed of your activities via an email subscription.
  • Announcements can be filtered by categories / types of events (conferences, thesis, training...).
  • Your memento can be automatically displayed on a webpage via a Wordpress block, highly configurable.

When you want to display your memento on one of your webpage, many filters are available (by categories, keywords, future or past events). From now on, an additional option allows you to select the ads that are displayed on your page and those that remain only on your channel. Ads are displayed in an ante-chronological order, but it is possible to change their order to enhance one of them.

A precise procedure can be found on the online help of the memento (fr). If you have some features suggestion for this application, please do not hesitate to send them via [email protected].