WEB: automatic list of courses on a Wordpress page

Books Stack © Istock

Books Stack © Istock

From the end of May 2020, a new 'EPFL courses' block allows you to display on a web page a list of courses, given by a teacher or in a laboratory. It is an extraction of is-academia coursebooks for the current academic year. It is possible to sharpen these lists by means of several parameters and filters.

Without going into the configuration details, which you can find in the Wordpress online documentation, here are a few words about the possibilities brought by this block.

It is possible to display all the courses related to teachers in the same lab, all those given in a section or all the courses by a specific person. Filters can be applied to these lists, for example the teaching language, the semester (winter or summer), the cursus (master or bachelor). It is also possible to retrieve specific course(s) via their code.


The layout of the block, taken from the EPFL graphic charter, cannot be modified, in order to harmonize the presentation of similar data on different pages. The language of the information can be English or French, but depends on the existence of a translation of the is-academia coursebook. The title of the course with link to the full course record, the language in which it is given and the description from the 'abstract' field of the course record, are displayed.

Problems with the information ?

It is not possible to modify information related to a course from your Wordpress page. Changes must be made directly on the form by logging on to is-academia. If a course seems to be missing from the list, you have to check on the study plan or on the teacher's people page whether the lesson is actually still being taught in the current academic year.

Feel free to pass this information on to labs webmasters. If you have any other suggestions for some new block that would be useful to everyone, feel free to send it at [email protected] .