Virtual Workshop on Molecular Simulations of Atmospheric Systems

© 2020 EPFL
02-04 June 2020 (on Zoom). Experts in the fields of molecular simulations and aerosol/cloud processes will gather to discuss research and set up a roadmap of past developments and future perspectives.
Nanoscale processes are the heart of the physical chemistry of the atmosphere. They have a critical yet often poorly understood effect on aerosol processes and cloud microphysics, affecting planetary albedo and climate. During the last decade molecular simulations emerged as possible tools to understand details of several atmospheric processes, such as adsorption on solid surfaces, surface activity, ice nucleation and gas-to-particle partitioning; and has revealed molecular details of the structure of aerosol particles. At the current sate of development of computational power such simulations are inexpensive and thus it is a tempting to add them to routine tool set of atmospheric studies. In order to make molecular simulations routine tools in the hands of atmospheric scientists, these pieces of information need to be united and open questions of atmospheric physical chemistry in which molecular simulations have yielded or can yield quantitative results or further qualitative understanding have to be pinpointed. The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts of the two fields and set up a roadmap of past developments and future perspectives.
Download the full programme from Files on this page, or contact the organizers for more information.
- applicability of molecular simulations for problems related to atmospheric systems
- aerosol particles
- aerosol/water interaction
- ice and droplet nucleation
- adsorption on solid surfaces
- Pál Jedlovszky (Hungary)
- Katerina Karadima (Greece)
- Ari Laaksonen (Finland)
- Mária Lbadaoui-Darvas (Switzerland)
- Josip Lovrić (Sweden)
- Claudia Marcolli (Switzerland)
- Milán Szőri (Hungary)
- Céline Toubin (France)
- Delphine Vardanega-Bonneton (France)
There are a limited number of spots for external participants that wish to attend the workshop. To register, please fill out the registration form here.
This workshop is co-organized by the Laboratory of Atmospheric Processes and their Impacts @ ENAC/EPFL, and the Center for the Study of Air Quality and Climate Change @ICEHT/FORTH. Funding for this workshop was provided by the ERC PyroTRACH project.