Two promotions at ENAC

Alexandre Alahi and Alcherio Martinoli. © 2024 EPFL

Alexandre Alahi and Alcherio Martinoli. © 2024 EPFL

The Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology has announced the promotion of Professor Alexandre Alahi, currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor, and of Professor Alcherio Martinoli, currently Associate Professor at EPFL, as Full Professor. Congratulations to both of them!

© 2024 EPFL

Professor Alexandre Alahi, currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Transportation Engineering in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)

Alexandre Alahi works on the question of how the future of transport and mobility can be optimised through the use of innovative artificial intelligence (AI) methods. He has developed algorithms which enable the automatic perception of human mobility, such as the movements of millions of people in railway stations. His work involves a combination of computer vision, artificial intelligence and robotics, as well as findings derived from distributed systems and the social sciences. Alexandre Alahi’s topical approach, which is supported by significant third-party funding and explores the social dimension of AI as it applies to autonomous mobility, is an excellent match with the strategy of the School and of EPFL.

© 2024 EPFL

Professor Alcherio Martinoli, currently Associate Professor at EPFL, as Full Professor of Distributed Intelligent Systems in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)

Alcherio Martinoli’s research concerns developing methods of designing, controlling and optimising intelligent systems that are physically distributed, such as multi-robot systems, sensor networks and intelligent vehicles. His work has a particular focus on swarm robotics and swarm intelligence, including their applications in environmental and civil engineering. This internationally acclaimed researcher has successfully attracted third-party funding both nationally and internationally, as well as from industry. By appointing Alcherio Martinoli, EPFL is strengthening the future-oriented field of robotics and distributed intelligent systems in a targeted way.