Two new projects on Open Research Data in ecohydrology starting soon!

Fair Data Principles - From Wikimedia Commons

Fair Data Principles - From Wikimedia Commons

CHANGE received funding from the ETH Domain Open Research Data (ORD) Program for two new projects starting in Fall 2024!

The first project (A FAIR Protocol for Hybrid Models and Data in Hydrology, FRAME), was awarded through 2nd Explore call of the ETH Domain'S ORD Measure 1 programme. Within FRAME, we will design, implement, and test a standardised FAIR protocol tailored for hydrological hybrid models.

While hybrid models are becoming increasingly popular in hydrology due to their potential for improved prediction and process representation, they pose unique challenges to open research practices, including the widely accepted FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles. The protocol developed in FRAME will be collaboratively designed within the project and will ultimately be transitioned to a community-driven protocol, inviting participation from the wider scientific community.

FRAME will start in September 2024!

The second project (Towards community-driven, open and FAIR ecohydrological modeling, TRANSCODE), was awarded through the 7th Contribute call of the ETH Domain's ORD Measure 1 programme.

TRANSCODE aims to transform the T&C ecohydrological model into a FAIR model by redesigning its architecture for modularity and re-implementing it in Julia, an open-source language which marries the computational efficiency of low-level programming languages and the accessibility of high-level languages. This translation will improve computational efficiency, foster open code contributions from the community, and facilitate interoperability with other models.

TRANSCODE will kick-off in October 2024!


These projects will be supported by the Open Research Data Program of the ETH Board.