Two MINT-classes from Gymnasium Lerbermatt Köniz dive into EPFL

© 2019 SPE-EPFL
Last week about 40 Swiss German high school students had the chance to visit various modules developed by EPFL laboratories. This immersion week, organized by the Education Outreach Department in close collaboration with the high school representatives since many years, allowed the students to approach the engineering sciences in an interdisciplinary way. For the MINT-classes (the students follow a specific program fostering Maths, Informatics, Natural sciences and Technique), this week at EPFL is a particular highlight in their curriculum.
The program offered a large diversity of interactive modules: from physics to programming, including seismic structures and space technologies, more than ten modules have been tailored for them. Thanks to the staff’s passion and commitment, high school students were able to discover how science applications can help tackle world challenges and how versatile and exciting technologies can be: “It was cool, to go to a lab and do some experiments” they commented, "We learned a lot and especially were able to put theoretical concepts into practice".
This type of field trips integrated into high school programs contributes to the promotion of scientific culture while unravelling the engineers’ and scientists’ central role in today’s complex world. It is also a unique opportunity for Swiss German high school students to experience the EPFL environment and get a taste of its campus life during a whole week, in an immersive way, with hands-on activities.