Two EPFL engineering professors elected to SATW

New SATW full members Sophia Haussener, left, and Giovanni De Micheli, right © 2025 EPFL

New SATW full members Sophia Haussener, left, and Giovanni De Micheli, right © 2025 EPFL

SATW, the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, has announced the appointment of 19 new full members for 2025, two of whom are from EPFL's School of Engineering (STI).

In a press release on March 3, the SATW announced the 19 new full members, each of whom "possesses an impressive track record in the engineering sciences". The new members were elected in a secret ballot of eligible voters in a procedure directed by the Nomination Committee, bringing SATW's total number of full members to 382.

The election will be marked at the SATW Annual Congress on May 27th by a certificate presentation ceremony.

The new full members from the EPFL School of Engineering are listed below. Ambrogio Fasoli, of the EPFL Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs, was also announced as a new full member. View the full list of new members on the SATW website.

Sophia Haussener (Laboratory of Renewable Energy Science and Engineering) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of her interdisciplinary and visionary scientific contributions to the development of broad-based and sustainable sunlight conversion and storage technologies for the energy transition.

Giovanni De Micheli (Integrated Systems Laboratory)has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his outstanding contributions to electronics in developing innovative methods and design tools for automated circuit design and for his commitment to national research cooperation.

About SATW

The Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences is the most important network of experts for engineering sciences in Switzerland and is in contact with the highest Swiss bodies for science, politics and industry. The network comprises elected individual members, member organisations and experts. SATW identifies industrially relevant technological developments on behalf of the Swiss Confederation and informs the government and public about their significance and consequences. As a unique expert organisation with high credibility, it conveys independent and objective information on technology as the basis for establishing informed opinions. SATW also promotes interest in and understanding of technology among the general population and particularly among young people. It is politically independent and non-commercial.

Source: Teaching Portal

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