Two competitions for the city of Aveiro, Portugal: call for projets

© 2022 câmara municipal de Aveiro

© 2022 câmara municipal de Aveiro

The City of Aveiro would like to share with EPFL's students, teachers and researchers two competition programs, with monetary prizes for the winners and the possibility of seeing their work applied in this portuguese coastal municipality.

At a time when the city of Aveiro is in the final stages of becoming the European Capital of Culture in 2027, it is seeking to bring together the talents of European architects and designers in these two competitions, which aim to renovate and requalify two important spaces in its territory.

Colégio Alberto Souto - Creative Change Academy – Monetary prize of 20.000 euros for the winner.
The Aveiro City Hall intends to transform the space of the old Colégio Dr. Alberto Souto, former school, into a new center of education, citizenship and culture, around several themes such as the preservation and sharing of memory, cultural creativity, active citizenship, multiculturalism, in processes open to creatives, thinkers, artists, educators, public and private institutions. The investment has an estimated cost of 7 million euros.

With the rehabilitation of the existing buildings and the construction of new ones, conditions will be created to accommodate artistic creation, through a set of spaces for residence, reception, with studios and spaces for conferences, production and presentation spaces, as well as a place to house the memories of the Municipal estate, in an innovative way, ending the current reality of dispersion through various buildings.

The spaces should promote intercultural encounter and dialogue, as well as the understanding of different socio-cultural realities, crossing international artists and researchers with local partners. The "Creative Change Academy" dimension will introduce a new life to the old Colégio Dr. Alberto Souto, which has in its former function as an educational center for children and adolescents at risk of social exclusion, a fundamental symbolism for this decision.

Urbanistic Study of the area of the Old Lota of Aveiro - Living Places Lab - Monetary prize of 50.000 euros for the winner.
The purpose of the Open Competition for Ideas is the elaboration of the Urbanistic Study of the area of the Old Lota* of Aveiro and to present the new concept for this space occupation and respective urban design, allowing not only to enhance the urban image of the plots of the old Lota of Aveiro, but also to promote experiences in this urban space, focused on the diversity of functions, in order to create dynamic space, with a strong cultural character, an important space for water sports and recreational boating, based on the commitment to sustainability at the environmental, social and economic level.

These lands with about 10 hectares, intended to be a pilot area for testing the incorporation of the challenges of the "New European Bauhaus", which should count on the civic involvement and with the exploration of new approaches in the relationship of urban life with the environmental values, focusing on sustainability of the urban environment, clean energy and the construction of the city with carbon neutrality according to the objectives of circular economy.
These objectives will also take shape in a unique space, the Living Places Lab, which will bring together several permanent features and functions of cultural and communication, integrating the whole operation for the Aveiro candidacy for the European Capital of Culture 2027.

*Lota: auction hall, fish market