Transformation instead of demolition

Tours d’habitation à Neuchâtel © Bauart / Yves André
Prof. Emmanuel Rey of the Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies (LAST) was invited by the associations Habitat durable (Casafair) and Ecoparc to speak at a one-day event entitled “Transformer plutôt que démolir. Valoriser l'existant en regard des enjeux climatiques et des ressources », held at the Château de Neuchâtel on November 19. In a spirit that was both interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary, the day included various thematic presentations in the morning and participative workshops in the afternoon.
The transformation of existing buildings is a particularly important challenge in the move towards a low-carbon society. It helps simultaneously to reduce environmental impact, particularly in terms of embodied energy, and to enhance the value of existing heritage in terms of baukultur. Emmanuel Rey's talk, based on two examples of transformations, highlighted some of the specific features of building heritage from the post-war boom period.
The day of reflection is part of a network of multiple players involved in the issues addressed by the two organizing bodies. Habitat Durable is an association of homeowners committed to environmental and social responsibility. It aims to achieve economical land management, climate-friendly construction, healthy living, and fair lease and neighbor relations.A non-profit organization, Ecoparc supports local authorities and businesses in their efforts to achieve sustainable development in urban areas.