Tips – A routine for studying

© 2020 EPFL

© 2020 EPFL

The Social consultation (SAE) reports on the importance of setting up a routine during the pandemic for studying and staying motivated.

Benefits of a routine

In an academic environment where students focus their energy and attention on courses and homework, a routine is beneficial for maintaining a personal well-being as it brings a reassuring daily rhythm. It helps you to organize and manage your time through your busy days. A routine provides the structure you need for studying effectively.

Define what you need in a routine

  • What do I need a routine for? What do I want to improve?

TIPS – Actions for setting up a routine

In the morning 

  • Wake up at the same time every day so that your mind and body can get into a regular cycle. Get into a rhythm!
  • Take a deep breath, air your room for getting your blood flowing.
  • Make time for a healthy breakfast. Your body and your brain need energy in the morning to get started and kick off a productive day.

During the day

  • Eat well-balanced meals at regular times. When you need a snack, pick something healthy like fruit, nuts or dark chocolate.
  • Take meal breaks without any distractions (social media or messages, for example) in order to take some time for yourself and recharge your batteries for the afternoon.

In the evening

  • Turn off/reduce the amount of time you spend on your screens (smartphone, tablet or computer) one to two hours before going to bed in order to reduce the effects of artificial light (or blue light) on your biological clock and enable for the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. 
  • Go to bed at the same time every night so that your body learns when it’s time to slow down, unwind and prepare for a good and rejuvenating night’s sleep.
  • Read a book or comic, or listen to calm music, to help you get to sleep.
  • Did you know… that your brain is still active even when you sleep? The brain uses that time to sort through the information received during the day and consolidate it in the memory.

Other resources:

  • Feeling stressed? Why not taking ten minutes to relax and breathe deeply? That will help release tensions, loosen tight muscles, slow your heartbeat, clear your mind (your brain will thank you!) and bring calmness. You can do this several times throughout the day or anytime you feel the need.
  • The ” Zoom” fatigue 
    Taking a two-hour class online is tiring enough, and when you have several throughout the day, it can be exhausting. So it’s important to take a real break after each class – go for a walk, have a cup of coffee, or do some stretching or light exercise, for example (interview with Prof. Pierre Dillenbourg on, 22 October 2020, in French.)
  • Maintaining a routine and studying effectively – now that’s a winning combination! Check out the MOOC on study methods for science and engineering students (in French).

EPFL support services:

If you would like to speak with someone, our Social Consultation offers free, confidential appointments with counselors. They can help you pinpoint what you need and help you to find the right resources. You can also schedule an appointment with the Psychotherapeutic consultation.

Take care of yourself,

EPFL Social consultation, Student Affairs (SAE)