Three journal papers are accepted

© 2024 EPFL

© 2024 EPFL

Three papers from HOMES are recently accepted in top transportation journals. Congrats!

Three papers by HOMES lab members are recently accepted:

  • The first paper coauthored by Prof. Kenan Zhang and colleagues at ETH proposed a non-monetary scheme to control traffic congestion during morning peaks that achieves both efficiency and equity. The paper is accepted by Transportation Science.

  • The second paper authored by Dr. Rui Yao and Prof. Kenan Zhang formulated the design problem of a Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) platform in the multi-modal transportation system. The paper is accepted by Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, and will be presented at ISTTT25 this July in Ann Arbor

  • The third paper coauthored by Ms. Anke Ye (our previous visiting PhD), Prof. Kenan Zhang and colleagues at Zhejiang University developed an aggregate market equilibrium model of on-demand meal delivery services with bundled orders. The paper is accepted by Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. A follow-up work will also be presented at ISTTT25 and is under minor revision in Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.