"There is a need for support in the career development of postdocs"

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The EPFL Postdoc association (EPDA) was officially recognized as EPFL’s first non-student association in March 2020. Jamshid Asadzadeh, current president of the new association, explains why such a structure is important for postdoctoral researchers.

Jamshid Asadzadeh is a postdoctoral researcher in molecular neuroscience at EPFL School of Life Sciences, and a former PhD student at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. As the president of the new EPFL Postdoc association, he feels that his role “is to ensure the progress of the association’s activities, and to encourage the participants and collaborators, as well as to inspire new people to join the association and get involved.”

The aim of the Postdoc association is to promote the professional career of postdoctoral researchers here at EPFL and beyond. “Postdoctoral researchers must be prepared for a possible transition from academia to industry because, statistically-speaking, the majority of postdoctoral scientists leave academia and find jobs in the industrial sector,” explains Jamshid. “Moreover, the postdocs who want to stay in academia are also interested to know more about ways to find an academic job. This demonstrates that there is a need for support in the career development of EPFL postdocs, and this must be addressed.”

Recognized in March of 2020, EPDA aims to organize several programs and events for the postdoc community, like networking events, public speaking, leadership and project management workshops, communication, and advice for postdocs who want to develop their careers here at EPFL or in the job market outside of EPFL.

Our questions to Jamshid:

What are your plans for the future of the association?

“EPFL hosts many postdoctoral scientists from all over the world, and they need guidance at the beginning for practical matters such as health insurance, taxes, pension plans as well as the rules and regulations concerning residency permits for working in Switzerland. EPDA is therefore trying to establish collaborations with external financial advisors as well as lawyers to help with these issues. In addition, EPDA has an ongoing discussion with EPFL management, for example about the possibility of career development support for all EPFL postdocs. In terms of communication, we are in touch with various EPFL services such as the Research Office, Mediacom or the EPFL Innovation Park, to expand our range of activities and diversify our events.”

Why were you interested in being part of EPDA?

“I am a neuroscientist with a passion for understanding neurodegenerative diseases and the molecular mechanisms of learning and memory formation. But I think that too much focus on one topic could make me lose some other essential social aspects and skills. That is why I have always been keen to get involved in social activities in general, and extracurricular activities in particular, such as being part of EPDA.”

Outside of EPFL, Jamshid Asadzadeh likes individual and group sport activities like running, skiing, rollerblading as well as football and volleyball. Jamshid adds: "I am married and am a new father. It is fascinating to see all the stages of growth, learning and personality development of a child… especially from the standpoint of a neuroscientist!"

Oksana Sergeeva: “The institutional support is amazing”
Oksana Sergeeva is vice-president of the EPDA and is a postdoctoral researcher in global health at EPFL School of Life Sciences. Before coming to EPFL, she was a PhD student in biochemistry at MIT.
As the vice-president, she hopes to ensure the continuity and effectiveness of the EPDA along with the president. She is proud of the events organized so far, including workshops, events geared towards academia (such as the one recently organized in collaboration with the Research Office) and those geared towards industry (including the very popular Academia-to-Industry Series which brings local recruiters to campus to interact with postdocs).
Oksana says that she enjoys working at EPFL as a postdoc. “I have been part of some really awesome projects and have had the freedom to pursue my interests in the lab. The institutional support through facilities and collaborations is amazing, along with having an extremely supportive lab head and fellow lab members.”

Learn more:http://epda.epfl.ch/

Author: Neda Safi Tooba

Source: People