The School of Engineering launches MyKompas

© 2020 EPFL

© 2020 EPFL

The School of Engineering at EPFL has launched a new communication tool for its faculty members that aims at providing them with access to different dashboards under a unique platform. The dashboards provide faculty with continuous and up-to-date statistical information about teaching, research, and infrastructure activities related to their laboratories, and allow a global view of the contributions of the School of Engineering in these domains.

MyKompas brings together institutional data, all visualized graphically. Each faculty member will now have access to their own data aggregated together into a single accessible interface. Faculty can also provide feedback to improve and correct the different figures and metrics.

© 2020 EPFL, Example of figures

The first version summarizes data originating from EPFL institutional databases with regards to teaching, human resources, and space. Other developments are ongoing, namely in relation to publications and impact. The tool aims to integrate continuous improvement, based on feedback received, in order to provide a valuable service to faculty members and the School.

The main goal of the interface is to provide easy, transparent and pertinent access to institutional data, while encouraging feedback to improve the quality of the data and processes.