The interactive e-Atlas of canton du Valais is online

© 2013 EPFL

© 2013 EPFL

Result of a joint UNIL-FGSE-IGD and EPFL-ENAC-LASIG project initiated by Micheline Cosinschi and Stéphane Joost in 2008, the e-Atlas of Valais was funded by the Service de Développement économique (SDE), the Service de Développement territorial (SDT) and the Centre de Compétence Géomatique (CC GEO) of the Canton of Valais

The e-Atlas of Valais is a dynamic and collaborative interactive WebGIS application. It incorporates the essential elements of the book "Le Valais, Cartoscopie d’un espace régional" (Cosinschi 1994, see also Cosinschi 1995) renewing the statistical information, opening the design of new fields, and using an innovative visualization and consultation environment. Spatially referenced data are made available through a system of interactive web mapping.
The interactive e-Atlas comes in two forms: 1) a textual content with static images presented in web pages linked to e-Atlas maps, and 2) as interactive e-Atlas dedicated to socio-economics on the one hand and to the environment on the other hand. Both enable the consuiltation of maps or the creation of customized maps based on different spatial units. Hundreds of indicators are available.

See french version for more details.