The CEL took part in the 2024 edition of the Night of Science

© 2024 EPFL

© 2024 EPFL

Organised by the City of Geneva's Museum of the History of Science, the Night of Science attracts more than 30,000 curious onlookers and science enthusiasts every year, with around fifty stands, workshops and other events where scientists can meet the general public. The 2024 event took place on 6 and 7 July in Geneva at the Parc de la Perle du Lac.

This year's theme was "cycles", and the Science Promotion Service, the Central Environmental Laboratory (CEL) and the Physics Section were all present on the EPFL stand. From the water cycle to astronomical cycles, not forgetting the life cycle of objects, the public was able to discover these different subjects through interactive experiments throughout the weekend. For the 2024 edition of the event, the CEL presented its research on plastic pollution. Demonstrations and explanations of the effects of plastics enabled the public to understand their repercussions along the food chain.