TEBEL team participated at CISBAT 2021 with 4 contributions

Verena Barthelmes, Amirreza Heidari, Mohamad Rida, and Arnab Chatterjee © TEBEL / 2021 EPFL
CISBAT 2021 conference took place on 8-10 September at EPFL with the focus on the "Carbon Neutral Cities - Energy Efficiency & Renewables in the Digital Era"
TEBEL team presented at CISBAT 2021 results of research work on topics of domestic hot water (DHW) controls, building facade thermal performance, and occupants behavior in office buildings. Amirreza Heidari presented his developments on Reinforcement Learning-based control in a paper "An adaptive control framework based on Reinforcement Learning to balance energy, comfort, and hygiene in heat pump water heating systems". Mohammad Rahiminejad presented two posters "Assessment of thermal and electrical performance of BIPV façades using simplified simulations" and "Transient thermal response of opaque building envelope elements: EPFL campus case study". Finally, Verena Barthelmes presented the results of the eCOMBINE project in a poster "Occupants’ preference and holistic Indoor Environmental Quality monitoring of a Swiss open space office". All conference papers are published open access in Journal of Physics: Conference Series. The references are provided below.