Take part in the Press Reader survey

© Press Reader

© Press Reader

Give us your opinion on the Pressreader online magazine and newspaper reading platform by completing this questionnaire.

With Pressreader, you can access the Swiss and international press online free of charge: more than 6,000 newspapers and magazines, 110 countries, 60 languages. Not yet using this free service? Take the opportunity to test it! You can have a free access to the platform on EPFL campus. Use the VPN to access to the platform when you are not on site. The application is free and accessible on computer, tablet and smartphone.

The Library also offers a number of daily newspapers and generl interest magazines on site. These titles and their supplements are available for free consultation at the Le Klee by Takinoa Cafeteria until the next publication day (working days only). The archives are not kept and the Library cannot be held responsible for any shortfalls due to loss or theft.