Tackle the type I - Stadium Pontaise

Source: Musée Historique de Lausanne

Source: Musée Historique de Lausanne

Studio EAST starts the new research and tackles the future of the Stade Olympique de la Pontaise à Lausanne

This year, our bachelor students will study the typology of stadium buildings. Based on a general analysis of this type, the first semester will be focused on the transformation of the Olympic Stadium of La Pontaise in Lausanne. By replacing the previous use, the spatial-organizational principle of the building will be compared with new possible uses and its sustainable interaction with the framework of the urban context. While the project in the first semester will deal with the complexity of spatial organization and program at an urban scale, we will transfer the same issues to a full-size space during the second semester. Working with selected elements of the building, the result will be a 1:1 pavilion. 

We are looking forward to the first research phase. Stay tuned!