Synapsis Foundation launches 2020 call for proposals

© 2020 Stiftung Synapsis
Topic: Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders
Deadline: 12 July 2020
Established in Zurich in 2003, the Synapsis Foundation – Alzheimer Research Switzerland ARS supports research on Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders to find a cure in the near future, to raise awareness and to promote Switzerland as a research and economic centre.
The foundation promotes innovative basic and clinical research on Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders, welcoming high-risk proposals based on sound science and truly original ideas related to the following topics:
- Research in genetics, molecular and cell biology of Alzheimer’s disease or neurodegenerative disorders.
- Innovative clinical approaches towards the pre-symptomatic diagnosis or therapeutic interventions in neurodegenerative diseases.
Every year, the foundation offers the following funding instruments:
- Principal Investigator Grants: max. CHF 300’000 for max. 3 years for established, independent researchers.
- Career Development Awards: CHF 400’000 for 4 years to help advanced postdoctoral researchers transition towards a faculty position in Switzerland or another EMBO country.
The foundation invites you to submit your application by 12 July 2020. The foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board will evaluate the proposals in November and the Board of Trustees will communicate its decision to the applicants by 17 December 2020, allowing the selected projects to start in January-March 2021.
For further information and application, please have a look at the EPFL Memento, call webpage and at the list of projects supported.