SV PTECH launches transversal development fund

© 2022 EPFL
EPFL’s School of Life Sciences has launched a new SV PTECH transversal development fund which aims at supporting projects that will promote interactions between SV research core facilities and EPFL scientists and will help to improve capabilities in the SV research core facilities.
The call seeks to complement the recently launched EPFL Platform Technical Advancement Seed Fund by aiming specifically on projects that will benefit from collaboration in-between SV research core facilities or between SV research core facilities and research groups at EPFL. The objective is to promote development and implementation of new or improved technologies and services that will be particularly helpful for the EPFL’s Life Sciences community.
There will be two submission sessions in 2022, with deadlines on February 15th, 2022 and September 15th, 2022. Proposed projects must involve at least two SV research core facilities or at least one SV research core facility and one investigator from an EPFL research group - in the latter case the head of the participating SV research core facility needs to be the main applicant. The submitted projects will be evaluated and ranked by a panel composed of the chairs of the SV research core facility steering committees.
For further information please contact the respective heads of SV research core facilities or Roman Chrast ([email protected]), the coordinator of the SV research core facilities.