Suggest a purchase or a new subscription



When the document you need is not available in our collections, you can send us a purchase proposal (books, ebooks, DVDs, and video games), or suggest a new subscription (for scientific journals and databases).

To do so, just fill in the purchase and subscription proposal form. Please make sure that the document is not already referenced in the BEAST catalogue! Indeed, the catalogue rescales the collections available at the EPFL Library, but also those of more than 140 other libraries in Switzerland. It is therefore very likely that the document you are looking for will be part of the collections of one of these libraries. You have the possibility to reserve a document in one of these libraries and bring it to EPFL free of charge thanks to the Inter-library loan service.

The purchase and subscription proposals are open to all EPFL students and researchers. These proposals enrich the collections that the Library makes available to its users and enable them to be active in the evolution of the documentary offer.

The Library processes all your proposals and keeps you informed of the outcome of your request. Purchase proposals are forwarded to the liaison librarians for evaluation and possible purchase, according to the Library's acquisition criteria and the available budget. Subscription proposals are reviewed at the end of the year by librarians and faculty representatives.