Successful application to the OFEN SWEET call
The SWICE consortium, of which the Structural Xploration Lab is a partner, has been selected for the SWEET (“SWiss Energy research for the Energy Transition”) program funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (OFEN/BFE). The winning consortium, led by Prof. Marilyne Andersen (EPFL), consists of 10 higher education institutions and 30 industrial partners across Switzerland. Worth a total of 22 MCHF, the collaborative project will last 8 years. It aims at developing sustainable systems that can also increase users’ comfort and well-being. The Structural Xploration Lab will work closely with the TRANSFORM institute (HEIA-FR) and the EMPA on a work-package dedicated to the life-cycle and circular assessments of neighborhoods.
More details on the application in the recent news by EPFL