STI faculty journalist awarded

Valérie Geneux, School of Engineering's journalist © Alain Herzog 2021 EPFL

Valérie Geneux, School of Engineering's journalist © Alain Herzog 2021 EPFL

Valérie Geneux, the journalist responsible for covering the news of the School of Engineering, was awarded the second "Best Young Journalist Prize" by the Centre de Formation au Journalisme et aux Médias

The "Best Young Journalist Award" is given each year to the most deserving young journalists who have completed their training at the Centre de Formation au Journalisme et aux Médias (CFJM).

The second prize was awarded to Valérie Geneux for her investigation on the theme of "digital twins". A subtle work of scientific popularisation which tackles in a perfectly comprehensible and concrete way a complex theme, "still unreal in a way" in the minds of citizens, even though it is becoming more and more scientific", underlined Grégoire Nappey, member of the jury and of the CFJM's Pedagogical Commission.

Read the article: How healthy is your digital twin?

The juries examined separately the end-of-course files of the six best-rated trainee journalists among the 15 who will graduate in 2021. The jury focused on the quality of the investigation conducted specifically by each journalist in the final exams.