STAAR 2023 annual report
The Swiss Transparency Agreement on Animal Research, which was signed by EPFL, published its second annual report.
The Swiss Transparency Agreement on Animal Research (STAAR), of which EPFL is a member, was launched in 2022 to increase transparency on the use of animals for research. The 26 signatory organisations to STAAR agreed to openly communicate about their use of animals or their support of animal research, promote discourse with the public and the media, provide opportunities for the public to learn about animal research, and report on their progress in practising transparency. In addition to these four commitments, four initial objectives were adopted for 2022–2023 and four more for the following period: the STAAR standards.
This annual report provides information on the transparency activities conducted in 2023 by the 26 STAAR signatories. The report is based on the responses of the signatory organisations to a questionnaire prepared by a working group of the umbrella organisation swissuniversities. The survey results are illustrated with examples of activities conducted by members in the interest of inspiring yet more transparency.