Six appointments and two promotions at ENAC

© Alain Herzog / 2021 EPFL
The Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology has announced the appointment of six Tenure Track Assistant Professors and two promotions at ENAC, with a record number of women!
New appointments at ENAC

Dr Meret Aeppli, currently Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University, USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)
Meret Aeppli investigates redox reactivity and the role of soil in the global carbon cycle. The aim of her research is to find sustainable ways of protecting soil carbon and reducing the negative effects of climate change. At EPFL she will set up a research programme to explore the carbon cycle in watershed areas, with particular emphasis on the study of carbon stabilisation in soils at contrasting locations commonly found in Switzerland, such as high altitudes and floodplains.
Start on 01.09.2022 in Sion

Professor Olga Fink, currently Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich and Research Affiliate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)
Olga Fink’s research focuses on the development of intelligent algorithms in complex infrastructures and industrial systems. She is a recognised expert in the fields of deep learning and hybrid algorithms for intelligent maintenance systems. Olga Fink is a member of numerous committees, serves as an expert for Innosuisse, and participates in various working groups at ETH Zurich. Her expertise and research interests will significantly strengthen civil engineering at EPFL in the area of predictive maintenance of infrastructure systems.
Start on 01.03.2022 in Lausanne

Professor Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, currently Assistant Professor at Harvard University, USA, is appointed Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Urban and Architectural Design in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)
Charlotte Malterre-Barthes’ works on urgent aspects of contemporary urbanization, conducting research on how design and planning can engage with questions of fair access to resources, the mainstream economy, better governance, and ecological/social justice. She investigates interrelated topics such as climate emergency, materials, food systems, migration, self-initiated urbanism, and real-estate, with the help of various technologies, from satellite images to field work. Charlotte Malterre-Barthes spent six years as director of the Master’s degree in Urban Design at ETH Zurich, and is a co-founder of the the Parity Group and of the Parity Front, associations dedicated to improving equity in architecture. She is also a member of several committees and co-director of her own urban design practice.
Start on 01.08.2022 in Lausanne

Professor Sarah Nichols, currently Assistant Professor at Rice University, USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Architecture in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)
Sarah Nichols carries out research into the history of construction materials, how they are produced, and construction practice in Switzerland in the context of political and ecological concerns. Her current focus is on the role of concrete, an area in which she is making an important contribution to the debate about the circular economy and the demand for sustainable construction materials. With the appointment of this up-and-coming architectural historian and theoretician, the institute is strengthening its teaching and scientific influence in a research area of great social importance.
Start on 01.03.2022 in Lausanne

Professor Stefana Parascho, currently Assistant Professor at Princeton University, USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Architecture in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)
Stefana Parascho is a researcher, architect and lecturer who works at the interface between architecture and digitalisation; her main interests are computational design and integrative models of architecture, and she has won multiple awards for her research. Her aim is to promote an interdisciplinary approach to architecture through the development of digital production methods and robot-assisted manufacturing processes. Stefana Parascho has all the academic and personal qualities of a first-class researcher and lecturer; she will be an asset to EPFL in this socially relevant field.
Start on 01.03.2022 in Lausanne

Dr Andrew Sonta, currently Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Columbia, USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)
Andrew Sonta’s research focuses on data-driven modelling, analysis and design techniques for the enhancement of social and environmental objectives in the built environment. He aims to address urban sustainability challenges through a multidisciplinary lens. Andrew Sonta also studies the physical connections between energy consumption and the efficient operation of buildings. In addition to developing a new research programme, he will contribute to new clusters involving the School, the Smart Living Lab in Fribourg and the recently founded Center for Climate Impact and Action (CLIMACT).
Start on 01.09.2022 in Fribourg
Promotions at ENAC

Professor Brice Lecampion, currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Geo-Energy in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)
Brice Lecampion's work focuses on fundamental and applied research topics connected with subsurface geo-energy projects (deep geothermics, CO2 storage, gas extraction and storage) with the aim of improving practice within the industry and making expert knowledge available to political decision-makers, regulatory authorities and the general public. With his solid industrial experience and his experimental work, he makes a substantial contribution to his specialist area, in which he is regarded as one of the world’s leading researchers.
Award of the title of Professor

Dr Anastasios Vassilopoulos, currently Senior Scientist in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering at EPFL, (ENAC) as Adjunct Professor at EPFL.
Anastasios Vassilopoulos investigates advanced materials for sustainable structures. At the School he has successfully developed a research area which looks at fatigue damage in building components made of composite materials. His work is making a key contribution to a new generation of advanced materials and he is regarded as the leading researcher in his field.