Six Ambizione grants awarded to EPFL

Exploring a new approach to treating collapsed airways in newborns,©EPFL- Murielle Gerber 2023

Exploring a new approach to treating collapsed airways in newborns,©EPFL- Murielle Gerber 2023

Six scientists have been awarded Ambizione grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation to carry out their own independent research project at EPFL.

Congratulations to Jonathan Dong, Antonio Joaquin Garcia Suarez, Valentin Goblot, Jinggang Lan, Andrea Merli and Giuseppe Zuccarello for winning a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Ambizione grant each!

Ambizione supports outstanding postdoctoral researchers who wish to conduct, manage and lead their own independent research project at a Swiss higher education institution. Researchers 1-4 years after their PhD are eligible to apply. The grant covers the grantee's salary, personnel, equipment cost and other project-related funds for up to 4 years.

As the name implies, Ambizione (ambition) helps excellent researchers take their career to the next level! It contributes to build their scientific profile and it helps them become scientifically self-reliant at an early stage.

This year, of the 435 applications received, the SNSF has awarded 97 new Ambizione grants.

Six of these have gone to EPFL-affiliated researchers: