Seed Money Grants 2015 - Call for projects with Latin America

© 2015 EPFL

© 2015 EPFL

The Seed Money Call aims at helping initiating or intensifying long-standing research collaboration between Switzerland and five countries In Latin America.

As part of Switzerland's strategy to promote bilateral research cooperation with extra-European countries, EPFL Leading House was asked to lead exploratory activities with Latin America aimed at establishing new strategic partnerships.

Following a mapping study and a Round Table, five countries stood out: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, because of the magnitude of their already existing scientific and academic cooperation with Swiss scientists or institutions.

Thematic scope:
Open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research

Conditions of participation:
All information and application form can be found on the Seed Money Website.

Submission deadline: 26 May 2015

Contact: Dr. Gabriela Tejada at