Second call for QSE postdoctoral fellowships now open

© 2024 EPFL

© 2024 EPFL

The EPFL QSE Center has launched its second call for QSE postdoctoral fellowships, which offers motivated young researchers from Switzerland and abroad the opportunity to carry out their research in collaboration with the EPFL QSE community on cutting-edge topics in quantum science and quantum engineering.

The second call is open to post-doctoral researchers who wish to work at EPFL in any area linked to quantum science and engineering and in collaboration with the thriving EPFL QSE community. These Fellowships will cover the full salary of the fellow (incl. 21% for social security charges and salary increase) over a maximum of 2 years. The QSE Center highly encourages applicants who plan to carry out their quantum research at one of the laboratories of the IC School.

The Fellowships are open to post-doctoral researchers:

  • Of any nationality;
  • Who have successfully defended their thesis at the submission deadline, in a field relevant to the broad area of quantum science and engineering (e.g., Physics, Engineering, Computer Science);
  • Who have not been employed at an EPFL lab for more than 12 months at the call deadline;
  • Who have at the submission deadline a net academic age of maximum 3 years after the award date of PhD;
  • Who have obtained an EPFL host support letter, signed by the head of the EPFL laboratory or unit.

Please see the full eligibility and review criteria in the Guide for Applicants on the QSE Website.

Request the application toolkit, including proposal templates and access to the submission platform, via email.

Call opening: 02.12.2024
Submission deadline: 18.03.2025 (17:00 CET)
Communication decision: Early July 2025
Earliest project start: August 2025