SCCER-FURIES Annual conference (presentation)

© 2020 EPFL
7th Annual Conference on “Large-scale demonstrators for the implementation of the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050” was held online on Oct. 28th
The 7th edition of the SCCER- FURIES annual conference was held online on October 28, due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.
This virtual edition served as a special occasion to celebrate major achievements and learn more about the key outcomes of the Center.
In a well-attended event, with over 100 participants, smart-grid experts from academia, industry, and public sector in Switzerland presented their activities in the frame of SCCER-FURIES focusing on the SCCER-FURIES REeL demo and SCCER-FURIES Arbon demo projects as well as digitalization and customer related activities.
Presentations and videos are available through the link