RSC publishing

Online journals, books and databases published by the Royal Society of Chemistry are available at EPFL.

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is the UK's professional body for research activities in chemistry and chemical sciences supporting and representing its members from all over the world.

RSC provides a platform giving access to more than one million articles and book chapters from across the chemical sciences and related fields (biology, biophysics, energy and environment, engineering, material science, etc.)

In order to make these resources available for the EFPL community, the Library has been subscribing for several years to the RSC Gold collection offering about 40 online journals and 5 databases. In 2018, 5 new titles have been added to the license as well as an agreement for Open Access publishing. Indeed, the EPFL authors benefit from a 15% discount on the article publishing charges of hybrid publications in all RSC journals.

Moreover, to complete its portfolio, the Library is regularly acquiring new RSC ebooks published by the RSC and owns all the titles since 1968.

Author: Alexandra Forclaz

Source: Library