Rogue and Trickster: Luigi Moretti, Real Estate & the Villa Triptych

© 2023 EPFL

© 2023 EPFL

A typological analysis by Michela Bonomo of the 'Villa Triptych' by Luigi Moretti in Santa Marinella is published in "Burning Farm", an online journal dedicated to architecture and domestic space.

In recent times, Luigi Moretti has enjoyed a lot of success among architects and scholars, especially because of his unparalleled formal bravura. He was undoubtedly a gifted architect. In her essay, Michela Bonomo goes beyond the ‘Moretti myth,’ exposing how his design approach was deeply intertwined with his skills as a real estate speculator.

Image: Site plan of ‘Villa Triptych’ illustrating the ground floor. Redrawing by the author. Original drawings from Archivio Centrale dello Stato (ACSRo) Fondo Luigi Moretti, Rome.