Robert West receives a Google Faculty Research Award 2017

© 2018 EPFL
IC Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Robert West - of the Data Science Laboratory, has been awarded a Google Faculty Research Award 2017 of $70,000 USD in human-computer interaction.
Prof. West’s project aims to tackle the highly relevant issue of false-information propagation on the Internet by designing a method based on crowdsourced human assessments of truth statements at scale, to counter the limitations of automatic and manual methods. The approach, using a theoretically clean mechanism, will be implemented and deployed through a real prototype of the platform.
The Google Faculty Research Awards are structured as seed funding to support one graduate student for one year and are awarded as an unrestricted gift. The award is highly competitive; each proposal goes through a rigorous review process and only 15% of applicants receive funding.
The Awards Program recognizes and supports world-class faculty pursuing cutting-edge research in areas of mutual interest while identifying and strengthening long-term collaborative relationships with researchers working to solve issues with an impact on how future generations use technology.