Reviewing periods: Maurice is back at the Library

CC BY Bibliothèque EPFL
Maurice, the EPFL Library famous shark and flying security agent, is back to remind the students the rules of behavior to adopt during reviewing periods. You are warned!
You want to meet #MauriceLibrarySecurity in the flesh? He will stand guard at the Library welcome desk from January 4th until 31st,2018. You may even see him fly in the Library during reviewing periods! But watch out: Maurice prowls, observes and could attack you at the moment you would not be excpecting it if you do not follow the rules.
Maurice is a true icon on social media: an Instagram contest #EPFLMaurice is organized by EPFL Library from January 5th until 31st, 2018 and you can watch all his videos on Youtube.
Finally, keep in mind that librarians remain at your disposal to answer to any of your questions. Do not hesitate to disturb them... they won't bite you!