Promotions of Profs Fabio Nobile and Jean-Philippe Brantut
At its meeting of 12-13 July 2023, the ETH Board has promoted professor Fabio Nobile to Full Professor and Jean-Philippe Brantut to Associate Professor.
Professor Fabio Nobile, currently Associate Professor at EPFL, is appointed Full Professor of Mathematics starting from the 1st of August 2023.
Fabio Nobile’s research is concerned with numerical fluid dynamics, multilevel analyses using random coefficient models, and mathematical methods of uncertainty quantification. His achievements with the multilevel Monte Carlo method are regarded by the scientific community as a breakthrough and have opened up a whole new field of research. This internationally acclaimed researcher combines innovative and collaborative approaches at the interface with other disciplines in order to produce specific applications relevant in a number of different fields, particularly engineering. His appointment will boost EPFL's reputation.
Fabio Nobile’s research is concerned with numerical fluid dynamics, multilevel analyses using random coefficient models, and mathematical methods of uncertainty quantification. His achievements with the multilevel Monte Carlo method are regarded by the scientific community as a breakthrough and have opened up a whole new field of research. This internationally acclaimed researcher combines innovative and collaborative approaches at the interface with other disciplines in order to produce specific applications relevant in a number of different fields, particularly engineering. His appointment will boost EPFL's reputation.
Professor Jean-Philippe Brantut, currently Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, is appointed Associate Professor of Physics starting from the 1st of August 2023.
Jean-Philippe Brantut's research has a focus on cold atomic gases and quantum simulations using innovative experiments assemblies that he developed in his laboratory. This work has placed him at the forefront of research into the physics of ultracold atoms in optical cavities. He and his team discovered a novel material for interactions between light and matter. His research attracted an ERC Starting Grant in 2016 and an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2022. He is very successful at obtaining research funding and is a dedicated teacher.
Jean-Philippe Brantut's research has a focus on cold atomic gases and quantum simulations using innovative experiments assemblies that he developed in his laboratory. This work has placed him at the forefront of research into the physics of ultracold atoms in optical cavities. He and his team discovered a novel material for interactions between light and matter. His research attracted an ERC Starting Grant in 2016 and an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2022. He is very successful at obtaining research funding and is a dedicated teacher.