Promoting peace and helping victims in cyberspace

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Created to address the growing impact of major cyberattacks, the CyberPeace Institute is an independent NGO based in Geneva. EPFL President Martin Vetterli will be sitting on the Executive Board, and the EPFL Center for Digital Trust is named as a scientific partner of the CyberPeace Institute.
Launched today in Geneva, the new CyberPeace Institute will focus on de-escalating conflicts and promoting peace and stability in cyberspace. "I feel very honoured and excited to join the Executive Board of the CyberPeace Institute. It is a key initiative addressing the current and future challenges of cyberattacks", reacts EPFL President Martin Vetterli. EPFL and the Center for Digital Trust are partners of the Institute, and will bring to the table their scientific expertise in cybersecurity.
According to the press release shared today by the new Institute, its mission will focus on three core functions: assist the most vulnerable victims of cyberattacks and help communities and organizations become more resilient to attacks, facilitate the collective analysis, research and investigation of cyberattacks, including by assessing their harm, and bringing greater transparency to the problem, and finally promoting positive and responsible behavior in cyberspace, by reinforcing and advancing alignment and adherence to international laws and rules.
An 8-member executive board and 13-member advisory board comprising experts in cybersecurity, international law, human rights and international affairs will provide guidance to the Institute.
Learn more about the Institute at