Professor Maria Colombo promoted to Full Professor

© 2021 EPFL
At its meeting of 14-15 July 2021, the ETH Board promoted Prof. Maria Colombo as Full Professor at the School of Basic Sciences (SB).

Prof. Maria Colombo currently Tenure Track-Assistant Professor at EPFL, has been promoted to Full Professor of Mathematics.
Maria Colombo’s research investigates mathematical analysis in combination with probability theory, computational mathematics, statistics and machine learning. In addition to her central role in research, her outstanding leadership and the various grants she has obtained, Maria Colombo also makes a valuable contribution to different areas of EPFL. She is therefore regarded as a pillar of the Mathematics Institute and School. By making this appointment, EPFL is retaining a visionary, world-class researcher whom other universities would be glad to recruit.
Maria Colombo’s research investigates mathematical analysis in combination with probability theory, computational mathematics, statistics and machine learning. In addition to her central role in research, her outstanding leadership and the various grants she has obtained, Maria Colombo also makes a valuable contribution to different areas of EPFL. She is therefore regarded as a pillar of the Mathematics Institute and School. By making this appointment, EPFL is retaining a visionary, world-class researcher whom other universities would be glad to recruit.