Professor Adam Marcus joined the Institute of Mathematics

© 2020 EPFL
Professor Adam Marcus was named as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Mathematics from the 1st of January 2020
We are pleased to welcome Prof. Adam Marcus to our Institute of Mathematics. He will be heading the EPFL’s Chair of Combinatorial Analysis (CAC).
Prior to joining EPFL, he was assistant Professor at Princeton. Among other honours, Adam Marcus won the Pólya Prize in 2014. Together with two other mathematicians, they received this award for their resolution of the Kadison-Singer problem, a famous question posed in 1959 by mathematicians Kadison and Singer. It’s a problem in functional analysis about the uniqueness of some extensions of certain linear functionals on some Banach algebras (C*-algebras). The statement was thought to be false until it was proven true by Adam Marcus and his two co-authors.