Prof. Weber's article selected finalist for a best paper competition

Prof. Thomas Weber

Prof. Thomas Weber

A paper co-authored by Prof. Thomas Weber and his former student Lauren Cipriano, who is now Assistant Professor of Management Science at the Ivey Business School in Ontario, Canada, was selected as one of the three finalists in the 2014 POMS College of Healthcare Operations Management best paper competition.

The finalists will present their research results in a special session at the 25th Anniversary Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) in Atlanta, GA, USA, in May.

The paper, entitled “Population Sampling in Dynamic Healthcare Policy,” develops a framework for optimal health-policy design. It considers a medical intervention for a cohort of patients where parameters vary across cohorts with imperfectly observable dynamics. The research identifies the optimal time to change the current health-intervention policy and the optimal time to collect decision-relevant information. The findings are applied to the evaluation of hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening in the general population, determining which birth cohorts to screen for HCV and when to collect information about HCV prevalence. The manuscript is currently under revision for publication.